
6 July 2014

We have had a lot of rain and rainy weather this past week. That meant that the work output as accordingly very low.

One day we had a litlle sunshine, and I managed to cut the grass, hopefully for the last time this season.

We did manage to clean all the architraves for the patio door, stain/varnish them and cut it to the right sizes. On all three sides we had to join the timber. In the end all was fitted and looks very nice.

We also removed the broken cement floor insert in front of the now closed fireplace in the lounge, and replaced that

I did manage to start work on the inspection door into the ceiling in the 'new" kitchen. That has been omitted during the lat work done there.

sorry for such an uninteresting report, but that's all folks!

1 comment:

  1. En so begin 'n nuwe projek in die huis, of moet ek se, so word die projek hervat. Gert dit sal nooit werklik ophou nie, nie vir jou of Elna nie. Dit is julle lewe en geluk en rustigheid en so skep julle kameraderie.
    My vriend ek hoop dit gaan nou weer vlot in die nuwe kombuis, sodat indien die Here wil ek daaruit Elna se boere kookkuns kan geniet. Moenie bekommerd wees nie, dit sal nog 'n rukkie neem. Sterkte en liefde.
