
26 July 2015

The openings got closed, but what a job! The door sill had to be reinforced and then fitted. At the moment it creaks a little, but I will be able to put in a few more screws. At least we have a door between the old kitchen and the dining room.No more cold wind coming through!

We also had to tidy up outside. There was a pile of timber lying on the grass that has come from under the deck. By moving some other timber around, we managed to get all under cover. Elna helped a lot. That does not imply that we have processed all the old timber from the original deck. These have been lying on a pile next to the cookhouse for more than a year now. I am thinking to get a skip toe get rid if it. It takes a lot of time to cut up and store away as firewood.

I managed to remove the "sarking" boards from the western wall, de nailed them and put it away. Some time in future all of these can be used to replace the iron we have got on the Cookhouse.

This coming week I hope to build a recess next to the back to back fireplaces in which to eventually install a gas hot water unit. That will be a mess similar to the repair of the door frame.

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