We finished off the last framing for the northern deck, and started fitting boards. To make sure we would not have an odd board or an odd angle, I put the first board on the end of the extended deck, and worked back to the corner. It did mean that I ended up with a narrow filler, but it is very short and not very obvious. Yesterday I continued on the extended deck, and managed to fit 10 boards, which is just under half of that part. The next part will be more difficult, because I will need to cut in to allow for the trap door. Remember there is a food storage cellar down there, and we must keep it accessible. I am still not clear on how to make the trap door to open. Hopefully it will clarify itself as we go along. That ugly post is just a temporary prop until we have rounded the ends and sealed the whole side, then all the posts go back. Thinking of it, I still have not decided what posts to use on the extended deck. At the time when I repaired the original posts, there was no deck there.
Some time in the week, we fitted the scrolls for the eastern side. It looks very original, (maybe it is because it is original) There are still "collars" around the posts that need to be fitted, but that can come at a later date.
You must appreciate these pictures, I got up early, very early to take them. We went off daylight saving last night, that means I was up before seven, a big achievement for me.
I also had an email from the lady at Council, they will decide on Monday on our application for a grant for the decks. I might be given an opportunity to explain the application. I might even take these three photographs along.
What a terrific job you are doing. I so hope I could be there to help. I looks fantastic and eventually it will only be the northern side with all the majoor work to be done. Great!