
12 February 2012

Another week. Monday we had a public holiday, no work. Ha ha, no such luck. I sanded the wall to be painted and replaced a few rotted weatherboards. Tuesday I had to go to Hamilton. I was summoned (is that right?) for jury service. That happens on a random basis. Lucky for me I did not have to go again. Tuesday I completed the sanding process. Then we started painting. First of all, an undercoat of mismatched paint, and secondly the final colour. It was quite a job and very hot, especially in the afternoons. Up on the scaffold I was on my own, but up to chest height Elna did the brush work. It saved a lot of time. You have to paint all the corners and crannies by hand (with a brush of course silly!) and then paint the remainder of the board with the roller. Well, we rushed in and finished at 2:30 pm on Friday, at the heat of the day, on most likely our warmest day. (26deg)

The Bay window and all of the wall on that side is painted now, as well as up to the gable end. That is the wall that will be covered by the veranda. Rebuilding the veranda will follow after the hiding wall is finished.

Ben sent me an email and told me to take Saturday off. I did. I only built a new pen for the sheep, mowed the lawn, tidied up the car. And yes, we had a complaint from the tenant in Cambridge and went over there as well. Easy day.

Now, there is still a half built wall in the back yard.

See ya!

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