
8 January 2012

And guess what? Just as you thought you understand me, I will change it all.

This week we spent on the living room wall. Remember the wall that has been Gibbed and not finished? I got Ben on the scaffold to do the gibstopping, and after that we sanded it all. Then Ben decided we could not leave the outside wall without gib, for however short a time that would be. So off we went and picked up the necessary Gib. That has been fitted now, and gibstopping is in progress. The other walls have been painted and everybody says it is looking good.

We got a response from Woodoc. They recommend the polyurethane product for the floors. Well, that is freely available here. My biggest problem now is that we are removing all signs of patina. Might be necessary to add some stain to the sealer. Question will be how much?

Elna also complained about to panes of glass that was still missing in the kitchen. It was boarded up. We have bought a second hand window to salvage the glass a few months ago. Ben came to the rescue again. He cut the glass under my tutelage, and fitted it . Nice job, but what about the curtain? So he fitted a curtain rod and curtain. What about the old wallpaper? Ben removed the old wallpaper.

I must say, it has been raining most of the week, so outside work was not possible, but I am thankful for the progress we have made. With Ben's help, we are doing more than twice what I could have done by myself.

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