
21 January 2012

On Monday we built the required scaffold to reach the top of the gable end. It is a bit Heath Robinson, but will do the job. It does not cover the full width of the gable, so it will have to be moved along. The scaffold will require another ladder on top of it, but that will be securely strapped down.

We did get the garage through Trademe. The condition was that it had to be removed by Friday, give or take. We only won it in Monday night. Ben and myself wet out there on Tuesday. The garage was 6*5 m, but there was an additional 6*6 "lapa" area, a semi open roofed in area. To make a long story short, on Wednesday night we had the roofs and trusses removed. Thursday we spent to take Ben to the airport, for his return to South Africa. Friday Elna and me went out there, removed the cladding from the walls, cut the frames to manageable sizes, and carted all away. This project has been an enormous effort by both Elna and Ben. Without their help I could not have done it. Now the plan is to use the material to build a screening wall to hide all my rubbish from the general view. Ben said he wanted to see a picture of the completed wall on the blog next week. Next week?

Today was Saturday. I said to Elna I will take a day of rest and planning on the wall. Then I walked around the house and the scaffolding was yelling at me. So I got on the scaffold and started sanding and painting. My little angle grinder has been giving problems, so I opened that up and found a damaged bearing. Luckily I had another broken grinder lying around and could use that part. Progress on the wall is good. It is the first time we have put the final colour on the wall. I was hoping to take a picture, but my camera has done a disappearing trick on me.

See? I found the elusive camera!! The painted part is the top left hand part.

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