
7 August 2011

We have been quite busy, but have actually achieved very little. We repaired the wall of the second bathroom,and cleaned all up. Then I had a look at the plumbing. Turns out that we have two (or more) separate plumbing systems. The pipe supplying the toilet has got no water. In the end I cut into the pipe supplying the shower, and joined it up. Second bathroom functional now. I must say, I am not prepared to take a shower there, it will be too cold.

I also put a chain and lock on the door to the shed. All is nicely locked up now.

On Friday we went to Hamilton and bought enough plaster board to line the inside of the outside walls of our current bedroom. We are waiting for the delivery of insulation. The recommendation is that we remove some  of the boards lining the inside to install the insulation. A saving grace is that it comes in a 15 m roll, and we will cut it in three on the width.

We also started work on the fencing of the section. You need to dig a hole 800 mm deep. The saving grace is that it is nice soft soil, and not hard at all. All dug with a spade. We have the promise of two sheep on loan as lawnmowers, once the fence is done. Willie, our neighbour is moving, and he kindly donated some pallets which can help in building a fence. I also helped him sorting his stuff.

With the cookhouse in a useable condition now, I started work on a report on the condition of the place as it were, and what we have done to it. That is a "cover your backside" report, just in case somebody decide to question what we have done there. We are not nearly finished, but I would like to get the house insulated before winter is over.

Talking of insulating, we bought hardboard and covered up the entrance door. There was a nasty draught coming in there. A result of our work there is that I was forced to remove my stuff that I had stored in the passageway. That has become part of the "house" now.

At long last, a drawing of the floor plan of the house.
1  Bathroom and laundry
2  Kitchen
3  Living room
4  Current bedroom, will become kitchen with bit if bathroom added
5  bedroom, with outside bathroom (not shown because I want to destroy it)
6  Current study, destined to become bathroom
7  Original lounge, currently tool room, to become study / bedroom
8  Bedroom, currently storeroom
9  Wrap around deck and veranda when reinstated and completed.

I am thinking of opening up between the living room and no5 to create a bigger living area. That would also give us access to the deck on the northern side. The deck is 7 ft wide, and the current bathroom on the deck is 7 ft by 7 ft.

Unfortunately, the roof of the deck is a "catslide", a hollow curved roof. Can anybody tell me how to bend a corrugated polycarbonate sheet to that curve, then I can put a clear roof over the windows?

Bye for now

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