Sorry for having been away so long. Our WiFi has failed and it took a while to replace.
I have been working on windows for both sides of the new bedroom. I used half a sliding sash to fit on the eastern side. I had to build a new frame and sill. All went well, everything was good until Barco came around and we measured the sizes for glass. A little background. Most of the windows in the house are 2 meters tall, except one, which is 1.8 meters. That is the one we removed when we fitted the folding doors to the deck. It was still basically sound and I removed all the paint and made repairs as necessary. I have found four tall sliding sashes in the cellar, and took one and cleaned it. Now I was working on two windows at the same time. Only yesterday I realised I have used one of the shorter sashes for my new window.
The result is that I will have to fit new boards on the sides of the single sash window and to rout slots to fit the hinges. Then I will have to fill in the slots in the smaller sash and make new grooves where the sash cord can fit. It will set me back the better part of a week. Only when the windows are fixed can I start repairing the weatherboards and rot in the studs.
In the meantime I was cutting our grass, and the ride on decided to go on strike. I have spent about two days cleaning the fuel tank and carburetor. It still does not run. I will need to get help from outside.