
19 October 2014

The assistance for Jeamien turned out to be on Friday. Then we had the kids over on Saturday and Sunday, not that we would consider working on Sunday.

The ride on got a new drive belt and a spark plug, working fine now. The only problem is that the grass needs mowing every week!! I haven't even started using the line trimmer on the boundry fences.

The framing for the floor got done, and we (Elna and myself) managed to cut two sheets of flooring and fit it, then we ran out of daylight. The schedule for the coming week is to finish the  floor and pay more attention to the grass. It cannot be called a lawn- far from it! We even have Chicory growing in the grass. The Kiwis would call it a paddock.

Sorry there is not more  progress to report on. Some weeks are just slower than others

Oh, a last remark. I have been on Statins, a medication to lower Cholesterol for the past four years. One day I Googled the medication and learned the following about possible side effects: It causes itches in the groin and armpits, it affects the liver, it causes muscle pains and wasting of muscles, it causes tiredness. I had all of these side effects. So I stopped taking the medication. Everything improved drastically, and guess what, my shaking is MUCH reduced, I even reduced the mediation for that. So when my time comes, I will much rather die from a heart attack than develop various infections and be bed ridden for who knows how long!
God bless

12 October 2014

The promised pictures did not eventuate, so please be patient for a little while longer.

This last week we started work on the little corner room on the deck. First order of the day was to remove three years of junk. Then I removed the original decking to asses the condition of the framing underneath All of the old floor framing had to be removed, all the beams were rotten on the ends. So I bought new timber and started installing.

As you can see, I didn't get very far. At least all the planning and guesswork is done now. My cold turned into a full blown sinus infection, and I had to pay the doctor a visit on Friday. Energy levels very low. I would not want to repeat the bout of pneumonia I had two years back.

I also had a problem with the ride on. The drive belt keeps slipping, so when you see a cloud of blue smoke approaching, that is me. Another problem is that it runs unevenly. I will do the basic and replace the spark plug tomorrow.

Barco and Jeamien are having their house renovated, and need some assistance moving stuff about. I will spend some time there tomorrow. They will also live with us from the end of the month, and I have to provide a dog proof fence, for three dogs, varying in height from 35 cm, 18 cm and 11 cm. It might end up putting shade netting against the outer fence, and I do not know about the other limits.

Think of me, I am suffering!!

5 October 2014

Well, what a week! I picked up a cold from  Jacqui on Friday, and I was not worth much during this last week. On Monday I removed the door and door frame toe the new kitchen, and laid the vinyl as promised. On Tuesday Jaco came to help and we removed the last nails of the wall panel, and moved it out of the  way. Then we started moving the pantry. first we rolled it on broomsticks to the edge of the deck,and on to the trailer. I drove around to the large doors, and then I realised we could  not do it by ourselves, so I asked Elna to call the next door neighbour, Allan. With his and Elna and Jeamien and Shaun's help, we got it off the trailer and towards the door. We built a ramp and it went smoothly over the threshold. After that it went easier. Inside the kitchen, we put a big block in front of it as not to break the plastic adjustable legs. All went well. On Wednesday I refitted the wall and door.

With all the activity, I could not take pictures myself, but Jeamien took some, and I will add it as soon as I get hold of it.